在日常习惯中,喝酒的动作大多在晚上,月亮又跟喝酒有很深的渊源,“举杯邀明月”之类的意象不胜枚举。于是就先有了 MOON 这款精酿啤酒的包装发想,也由此有了这组星球系列的最初定位。
我们用类似 “通感” 的方法,逐一对照星球氛围——酒体口味;星球观感与对应的情绪——酒体颜色,匹配了四款不同气质不同口感的精酿啤酒,其中包括MOON——MOON——西海岸IPA、MARS——MOMO——水蜜桃口味、VENUS——VENUS——金啤 和 MERCURY——QUEEN——白啤。此组精酿啤酒也由此成为 SAKE NOMI BAR 酒场 的主打产品。
In daily habits, the act of drinking is mostly happened in the evening, and the MOON has a deep connection with drinking. Images like " raising my cup I beckon the bright moon " are too numerous to mention one by one. We matched four craft beers against the atmosphere of the planet -- body taste, planet feel -- body color, including the MOON -- MOON -- West Coast IPA, MARS -- MOMO – peach flavor, VENUS -- VENUS – Golden Ale and MERCURY -- QUEEN – Pale Beer.